Prior to forming Studio Sideproject we worked on a range of different projects, from affordable housing and schools to restaurant and hospitality projects.
Tammy Ho has a background in residential, multifamily, and hospitality work worldwide
︎︎︎ Kupa Studios Co-founder/Principal
︎︎︎ Artist Compound w/ Holeewatts
︎︎︎Home for a Musician w/ C. Deam Architect
︎︎︎Casa Adelante w/ GLS Landscape / Architecture
︎︎︎La Fenix Affordable Housing w/GLS Landscape / Architecture
Sameena Sitabkhan has experience in multifamily affordable projects and educational buildings
︎︎︎La Fenix Affordable Housing w/David Baker Architects
︎︎︎Onizuka Crossing Affordable Housing w/David Baker Architects
︎︎︎Hillside Elementary Library and Classroom w/PLUM Architects
︎︎︎John O’Connell Technical High School Wood Workshop w/PLUM Architects
︎︎︎Animo Justice and Animo Ralph Bunche Green Dot Charter High Schools w/JFAK Architects